


Industrial safety is a tool and an exercise that companies can use whose primary focus is to reduce, control and eliminate hazards in the workplace. Statistics show that many of the workplace injuries were due to carelessness and/or negligence and could have been avoided by paying attention to and adhering to safety guidelines. ​
Lost time, compensation, medical support, training of new or replacement workers, time spent in investigating, inspecting, supervising all play a role in the need for industrial safety when looking at the bottom line in the operation of a company. 

Worker safety is paramount in the industrial setting. Injury affects more than just the workplace. What about the loss to the worker and his or her family? What about the loss of morale? Not to mention if there is loss or damage to machinery or waste or production of defective material?
GO Engineering Inc. is able to step in to your company and through a mutual scope of work developed together from an assessment of need come up with a plan to implement or improve your industrial safety at your facility. Many of our goals are similar in vision. ​
  • Identify hazards to prevent accidents by reducing the hazard to a minimum
  • Prevent loss of life.
  • Prevent work stoppage and lost production time.
  • Lower direct and indirect costs associated with lost time
  • Promote a safe workplace with practical, safe and good working conditions.
  • Educate to promote safe thinking.
GO Engineering Inc. will look at the cause of the industrial accident and use the data to measure and ensure future industrial safety using and array of resources from a safety engineering perspective. These include safety audits, safety surveys, safety inspections, Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews, safety tools and programs. We take the broad view and look at the physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological aspects of industrial hazards. Let us look at your machine guarding, ladder safety, electrical equipment. We can identify switches, isolators, valve and pipe labeling. Let us review your maintenance procedures, your LOTO Program. Let us audit your process flow. Let us ensure that you are meeting compliance to standards and regulations.

Effective, prosperous and safe workplaces in the industrial setting require and focused view of industrial safety and then follow in practice the recommended and suitable improvement measures to ensure a safe workplace. Shift from compensation to prevention and move toward the emphasis on addressing potential hazards as an operational factor in any business. GO Engineering Inc. is here to encourage, provide, establish and maintain your progressive, practical and people focused industrial safety program.


Could it be said that we take becoming safety conscious for granted? Do we really think that a quick video online or a 4 hour training session does enough to make us competent and more dedicated to safety? Is there a drive deep within not just the culture of the organization but within each individual employee or worker to strive to do more and become a force of change in the sphere of health and safety?

As human beings we are uniquely qualified to change the atmosphere of our surroundings. Not other species does it like we do. Call it community, culture, personal growth, destiny, I do believe that we own that ability and have the capacity to create and become that change. We strive and pursue things that will give us a better life, a newer build, a stronger union. This is what makes us unique.
No matter who you are or what level of authority you have within any organization or with your coworkers you are individually gifted to be able to contribute and make a change, to create a better place for ourselves and those around us. The ability to do good is a part of our human nature. To actually care for someone else as you care for yourself. Sounds a bit like an old proverb.

We desire to do something when we see others experiencing difficulty or placing themselves into a potential hazard or risk of injury. It’s a compelling call. You can’t just walk away without doing something. You can’t ignore it. You can’t disown it. Try walking away and see if there isn’t any guilt or somehow something inside says, “Should have said something.” “Should have done something.”

The opportunity to participate within this type of atmosphere is what builds moral, creates a team spirit and contributes to the growth of a community of wellness and safety. A sense of accomplishment becomes the aura of the story.

Just as everyone knows that there is something that needs to be done, everyone needs to know that everyone has the ability to change, grow, become, be a part of, develop, contribute and participate. We all believe that things can get better. Everyone has hope. We all have the vision of where we want to go. It boils down to the basics of truly being human and caring. A decisive commitment that you want a better outcome. An “I will make a change.” is required. Only then can you become the change that you are looking for. Create a better and safer workplace … everyone has something to give, everyone can.

Welcome to participaction. What do you bring to the table?


CSA A344.1 was originally published in 2005. Now it is officially retired. In its place is the new and improved version. CSA A344-17. Storage racking is found in almost every facility and every discipline within the workplace. The responsibility for safe use is placed on everyone. Whether you are the supervisor, joint health and safety committee member, maintenance staff, worker, owner or just the ordinary guy in the area. What you notice may very well save a life. What you do about it will prevent a workplace accident.
The new guideline is written in a way that assists in the inspection and maintenance of racking systems. From the beginning before any setup to the engineered design, to inspections, to maintenance and repair of the systems, the document is clear, in plain language and detailed with photographs, diagrams and illustrations. Included are sample reporting forms and what fasteners and bolts should be used and where. Just to cover all the bases, there are links to the building codes and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.

GO Engineering Inc. has been designing racking systems and inspecting them for years and has observed just about every damage situation known or seen. Onsite inspections, rating, classification and repair is available. Has a Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews been completed on your system? Need an audit? We can provide a full assessment of your site and document all damage areas, all deficiencies in the setup and design and recommended practical, constructive, engineer designed and approved corrective actions that you may require for your facility.
I have different types and kinds of racks? Not a problem. We will help identify all the components and condition assessment of these racks.

Damage? Doesn’t look damaged? We will explain what we find and mark as damage and what the impact could be from that damage.
I have no paperwork or forms? We will set you up with the proper forms and inspection forms for future use.

What do you mean I can’t change this rack to another location and use all the spare parts from that pile? Modifications need to be designed and approved by an engineer and cannot be arbitrarily or randomly fit together.

Prevent a collapse.
Prevent a workplace incident or injury.
Know what your responsibilities are and be proactive in health and safety.
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